Tuesday, December 22, 2009

經典蜂蜜蛋糕 Honey Cake Recipe Translation Please?

I'm hoping someone out there can help me translate the ingredients and directions for this honey cake in clear, detailed English. (Not looking for an automatic online translation.)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!經典蜂蜜蛋糕 Honey Cake Recipe Translation Please?
This is a family recipe for large honey cake for a ten inch bundt pan or tube pan

3cups flour

2 rounded tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1 lb liquid honey (16 oz.)

2 eggs

1 cup canola or veg. oil

1 cup strong tea or coffee cooled

juice of half a lemon

Mix flour,baking powder, and baking soda and set aside

Beat honey, sugar, and eggs until smooth.

Add small amounts of dry ingredients alternately with small amounts of tea or coffee

Beat until fluffy( about 5 min. on medium speed)

Squeeze in lemon juice and mix again

Bake at 350 degrees F. in a greased and floured bundt pan for 1 hour.

Test for doneness. Do not over bake But make sure center is done.

A delicious honey cake經典蜂蜜蛋糕 Honey Cake Recipe Translation Please?
translated word for word from the website (see pictures on website for steps):


whole egg 1090g

fine sugar 861g

maltose (sweet syrup) 115g

honey 115g

powdered milk 46g

flour(low) 574g


place 7sheets of white paper cut in the size of the baking pan to avoid burning


place mold (wrapped in white paper) on top of baking pan for later use


Filter flour and powdered milk 2 times through filter


mix sugar and egg together first. preheat to about 43degrees celcius


add honey and syrup into mixture and mix well


use high speed first to blend mixture until turns white, then change speed to medium


blend mixture until when you raise spatula the mixture drips and area where mixture drops spreads slowly


add flour mix from step 3 into mixture and blend on slow speed 2-3 times, then mix on medium for 20 seconds or until well blended


check that all the bottom of the pot is well blended


put into mold evenly. put into oven. temperature above 180c below 160c


after 90 seconds in oven, remove and use flat surface to even surface of cake and reduce/remove air bubbles, then spray with a little water


repeat step 3 times with 90second intervals and spray once with water


continue baking for 20 minutes until turns to the color on picture, use knife to loosen sides from mold, don't remove


place a baking paper on top of surface (cake)


put a baking pan on top and bake until fully cooked


after baking, remove cake from white paper using knife


remove mold


slowly remove white baking paper from borders and cake. Place cake aside to cool.

Hint on bottom* -filtering flour twice in step3 makes it easier to blend and gives the cake a fluffy texture.

Hope this helps. Have fun baking.

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